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NOW FAITH IS! Faith That Works!
This is Dr. Lambert’s Latest Book! Available in Print, Kindle, and PDF Versions! It no doubt promises to be an RTP all-time best-seller!
As the title suggests, this book is simply about faith, which is always a NOW kind of belief or knowing, or it is not genuine faith at all! Faith must not be confused with hope. Hope is relegated to the future; it is a desire for favorable future outcome. Faith is not about the future, but the present. Faith is either NOW or it is never! Faith cannot be worked or effected in the future, but only right NOW. Faith must be appropriated and applied at the present moment when it is being exercised. Faith comes by hearing, and hearing comes through reading or listening to the Word of Christ.
The Rhema-Word of Christ produces real, active, and effectual faith in the hearts of the hearers. That is one of the mysterious properties of the Word of God—it produces faith. How it does this is, to some degree, a mystery. It just does! NOW FAITH IS tells you how to obtain and release effective faith—faith that works—in your life!
The author shares in this book what he has personally learned about faith and putting it to work to produce miracles, signs and wonders over nearly five decades of Dunamis-power-filled ministry wherein he’s personally witnessed hundreds of supernatural miracles and deliverances God has performed through him, and to overcome many tests and trials in his own personal life, including a “death sentence” of cancer in which his oncologist told him the first day they met, “Mr. Lambert, I give you four months to live!”
Yet he has lived many years beyond that prognosis, primarily by applying everything the Lord taught him about genuine faith, which he reveals in intimate detail in this book. And, in fact, he fully expects to live until the Lord returns to claim the Church He is building as His Eternal Bride!
Brother Lambert shares in this book the very personal battle he engaged in to “fight the good fight of faith,” which the Lord told him is the only battle he or any believer will ever have to fight, for the other or rest of the battles are the LORD’S battles that HE fights on the behalf of every genuine, Born Again, believer in Him!
In the Epiogue, Dr. Lambert tells the amazing story that confounded all the medical personnel in attendance how he continued to live after suffering cardiac arrest in which he coded (died) SIX times, yet had to have his arms and legs restrained because he was violently thrashed around as he fought against the enemy of death with everything within him, shouting out several times, “I WILL LIVE AND NOT DIE!” Though the machines showed his physical body was dead, his spirit and soul were NOT “absent from the body” but remained to fight against and defeat the ultimate enemy of death!
And so he did LIVE and not die, and despite the horrific ordeal he endured over nine days, one of which was in a medically-induced coma to lower his body temperature and preserve brain cells, he was released after an only nine-and-a half-day hospital stay!
Several of the doctors told Brother Lambert he was a living miracle and they were astonished at what they witnessed in his case!
Indeed he is a living miracle, for Jehovah-God is the God of miracles for those who place their trust and faith in HIM!
If you have a sincere desire to obtain and walk by genuine faith from God, this book is for YOU!
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The Life Story Of Lester Sumrall
This is the autobiography of one the most prolific pioneers of the Pentecostal/Charismatic church stream, who powerfully impacted 110 nations with the Gospel of Christ during his extraordinary 83-year life and 65-year ministry!
It is a veritable “MUST-HEAR” chronicle of an altogether unlikely “earthen” transporter of heavenly “treasure” to untold myriads his life and ministry touched as one of God’s titan generals of the 20th Century!
This well-told life-story is one of those rarified gems of ministerial interest that every minister and aspiring minister, in particular, needs to hear that is guaranteed to forever impact and inspire them in their own life-marathon divine calling to go long and finish strong!

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