The Curse Of Unauthorized Covenants

For nearly thirty years, I have been doing all the Lord has allowed, anointed, and enabled me to do to set captives of spiritual authoritarian abuse free from the bonds of witchcraft, or the “yoke of slavery,” in which they are ensnared.In the last few...

The Invalidity of the Office of “Bishop”

In the 1980s a spiritually perilous trend began developing in the Neo-Pentecostal realm, which was the human appointments of certain leaders into the supposed office of “bishop.” This vogue has become especially popular and common in an increasing number...

The Prophetic and Present Truth

The Charismatic Movement brought forth a restoration of and renewed awareness in the “Charismata” or Manifestation Gifts of the Spirit. However, at the close of the 20th Century, God began a systematic restoration of the office of the prophet back into its...

The Consequences of Covetousness

As I stated on the previous post, I am convinced this whole matter I am discussing in these previous several posts is far from being a mere side-bar, but rather is a prophetic warning from God. I believe it is a critical Kingdom Matter that the Church must turn its...

Idolatry of Trusting in Riches

Keep deception and lies far from me, Give me neither poverty nor riches; Feed me with the food that is my portion. (Prv. 30:8) “A false balance is an abomination to the LORD; but a just weight is His delight” (Prv. 11:1) This is the fourth of a five-part...