Dunamis! Power From On High! by Steven Lambert

Dunamis! Power From On High! by Dr. Steven Lambert
ISBN-13: 978-1-887915-05-2
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Narrated by Steven Lambert





DUNAMIS - Power From On High! [Audio Book]

by Dr. Steven Lambert | Real Truth Publications

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Multitudes of sincere believers…
around the world at this very moment are earnestly, and in some cases, desperately, crying out for God’s help in real overwhelming needs in their life, on the premise that it is divine intervention they need to bring answers and resolution to those problems.

But, the real truth is…
Jesus said, “the Kingdom of God is WITHIN you,” that is, within every believer who has been immersed, or baptized, in the Holy Spirit!

Included in the Kingdom, or Domain of God—the Spirit Realm—is the AUTHORITY and POWER of God! Thus, the fact is that within every Spirit-baptized believer is the same AUTHORITY and POWER that Jesus Himself operated in to “destroy the works of the devil”—heal the sick, halt, paralyzed; open blind eyes and deaf ears; cleanse lepers; cast out demons; raise the dead, feed the 5,000 and 3,000; and walk on water!

The incontrovertible fact is that…
ALL of the AUTHORITY and POWER of the Kingdom of God is available to EVERY Born Again, Spirit-Baptized believer today! Astoundingly, even that same POWER that raised Christ from the dead is available to every Spirit-Baptized believer today!

Jesus was the Heavenly PROTOTYPE of the SONS OF GOD!
As the Heavenly PROTOTYPE of the SONS OF GOD, Jesus received the power He needed to perform the works of power, miracles, signs and wonders He performed throughout His personal earthly ministry when He received the Baptism in the Holy Spirit. In so doing, Jesus, set the precedent for every other Son of God (believer) to likewise receive the power He operated in through the BAPTISM IN THE HOLY SPIRIT AND FIRE in order to fulfill His Word that the works that He did shall believers also do and even greater works shall they do!

Everything Jesus did during His bodily earthly visitation, He did not as God, but as a Human filled with and baptized in the Holy Spirit! All valid and genuine ministry since His Ascension is merely an extension and ongoing completion of Jesus’ ministry. Thus, the only way to perform genuine ministry of the Spirit is by and through the agency of the SAME Holy Spirit Jesus operated through.

When Jesus received the Baptism in the Holy Spirit upon being baptized by John The Baptist in Jordan River, whereupon the Holy Spirit descended upon Him in the tangible form of a Dove, the voice of God the Father reverberated from Heaven, saying, “THIS IS MY BELOVED SON IN WHOM I AM WELL-PLEASED!”

This event happened to demonstrate that everyone who desires to likewise become a SPIRITUAL SON OF GOD who is WELL-PLEASING to God the Father, must likewise receive of the same Baptism in the Holy Spirit and Fire that Jesus received! There is no other way to be well-pleasing to God than to follow in the footsteps of the Heavenly Model and likewise receive the BAPTISM IN THE HOLY SPIRIT AND FIRE!


About The Author

Steven Lambert

Steven Lambert, ThD, DMin (b. 1948) is a noted Pentecostal/Charismatic minister, Bible scholar, theologian, adjunct professor, counselor, publisher, Gospel Music singer, and prolific writer. His articles are published and republished on many websites. He is the founder/overseer of Ephesians Four Network of Churches & Ministers (www.ephesiansfour.net) and its subsidiary, Ephesians Four Network of Deliverance Counselors. He also founded and is the publisher of Spirit Life Magazine (www.spiritlifemag.com). His main website is www.slm.org.

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More About The Book

DUNAMIS – Power From On High!

The matter of the Baptism in the Holy Spirit is…
without question, the most controversial matter in the annals of Church history. And for centuries the deceiver (Satan) has deceived people into thinking that the matter of the Baptism in the Holy Spirit is a denominational or sectarian issue, and thereby has kept multitudes of believers from receiving the supernatural power of God in their lives that the Baptism in the Holy Spirit brings into believers’ lives, because the last thing on earth that Satan wants more believers to be empowered with the POWER OF GOD in the manner that Jesus was, lest they perform the works that Jesus did and even greater works to “destroy the works of the Devil” as Jesus did in His appearance!

Make no mistake about it…
Satan and all the demons of Hell are literally and indescribably terrorized by the thought of myriads of Spirit-empowered believers being manifested upon the Earth in these last days, which is a sign of destruction for him and his kingdom!

Don’t YOU be deceived by the deceiver!

The matter of the Baptism in the Holy Spirit is NOT a denominational issue, rather it is a DECEPTION issue! You simply CANNOT have the POWER you need to live the Christian life in its fullness as Jesus lived it, resist and defeat the devil in your life as Jesus did, and perform the works of power that Jesus performed, without receiving the POWER of the Holy Spirit Jesus Himself received!

WITHOUT ALL of God, which includes God the Holy Spirit, these things are impossible, but WITH God — ALL THINGS ARE POSSIBLE!

Do not remain a powerless victim of the devil’s deception!

Read this book to find out how you too can receive the POWER OF GOD into your life that comes through the Baptism in the Holy Spirit and Fire!

Product Details
  • Length: 185 pages
  • Publisher: Real Truth Publications (2012)
  • ISBN-13: 978-1-887915-05-2

I really enjoyed this book and highly recommend it. This was one of the most detailed explanations on the Baptism of the Holy Spirit that I have ever read. You gave the reader firm Biblical reasons on why the Baptism of the Holy Spirit is subsequent to the New birth and should be the desire of everyone who is reborn in this day and age. Every one who claims Christ as their savior should read this book.

Frank Marzullo, Jr.


I found your insights very accurate as well as revealing. Your overview of the topic is very well put together and able to be implemented in a local church or Bible Study environment. All in all, good work! I commend you for taking on the issue of initial evidence and giving Biblical clarification to it.

George D. Cope

Vision For Orlando, (Former Lead Pastor, Calvary AG Church, Winter Park, FL)

This a very thorough and thoughtful examination of the Scriptures on the subject of the Baptism in the Holy Spirit. It incorporates biblical, historical, experiential, and doctrinal understanding without the typical denominational bias that so often accompanies teaching on this still volatile subject. This book is scholarly but not dry or boring, and captures the essentials regarding the subject of the Holy Spirit Baptism with the writer encouraging the reader to understand and receive the gift of the Holy Spirit. Dr. Lambert is a seasoned, knowledgeable researcher and teacher, and is well qualified to produce such a work. This book, though reader-friendly, is also of textbook quality. I will be using it in my School of the Prophets. Excellent work, Brother Steven!

Rev. Barbara Williams

Founder/ President, Ministry of the Watchman International

Dunamis – Power From On High!

By Steven Lambert

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Explanation of Dunamis-Power From On High

by Steven Lambert | Real Truth Publications

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